You know it’s the weekend when you’re at the driving range at midnight.

Haggin Oaks is a driving range in Sacramento that, as of May 1, is unlike any other in the country. The draw? It’s 24 hours.

That’s right. Now that the weather is fully cooperating, you can take your backswing at 3 AM if that’s the hour that works best with your schedule. According to those who frequent the golf course, it’s not uncommon see folks at 2 or 3 AM taking their swings and practicing their stroke.

One local golfer jokes that he and his buddies will tell their wives they’re going to Lowe’s to get preparation materials for Saturday’s home improvement project, while they really head to Haggin Oaks to work on their swings. Another golfer says she’s new to the sport and loves having a nearby outlet that features other local highlights. Food trucks, live music and even free clinics can now be spotted at Haggin Oaks. For many, this is a one stop shop to have a full day (or night) of fun.

One woman says zoning in on the game helps her to forget about all the other turmoil going on in the world. Being able to do this in the middle of the night (or any time she pleases) is just an added bonus.