Credit: CBS San Francisco

San Francisco’s police chief has apologized to the LGBTQ community for decades-old mistreatment.

Police Chief Bill Scott gathered with most of his command staff at Glide Memorial Methodist Church last night. It was the first meeting in what the department called a “listening tour” with the LGBT community.

Chief Scott began with a historic apology.

“I and the men and women of this police department are truly sorry. We’re sorry for what happened. We’re sorry for our role in it. And we’re sorry for the harm that it caused,” said Chief Scott.

Chief Scott told members of the LGBT community the police department wanted to build a bridge with the community after major tensions in the past. Today marks 53 years since the Compton’s Cafeteria Riot in the Tenderloin district. That riot sparked after police targeted transgendered people who frequented the cafeteria.

“Some here tonight may ask, ‘Why now? Why are they doing this now?’ Because we are listening. We hear you. And because it’s time,” said Chief Scott.

Some in the community say an apology is not enough though.

“It’s absolutely immoral,” said one person who attended the meeting.

A large percentage of people who identify as LGBT in San Francisco are also homeless.

“Every night, homeless youth and other homeless people are targeted by sweeps and being brutalized. If you want to truly apology for something, you have to stop what you’re doing,” said another member of the community who attended the meeting.