Photo Credit: Ben Hider/Getty Images

50 years ago today, the crowd at New York City’s Stonewall Inn took the stand for LGBT rights.

Their uprising against police is now considered a major catalyst in the LGBT movement.

The stage and barricades are set up in preparation for the big celebration at the Stonewall Inn this afternoon. On this day in 1969, those riots dramatically shifted the fight for LGBTQ rights. All month, pride celebrations and events have been building up to this day.

“We all have experienced discrimination one way or another, especially within the fights for gay rights. We have it much easier now because of what a group of people did 50 years ago,” said Stonewall Inn visitor Andre Ochoa.

One bartender remembers the night well.

“We heard the screaming coming in from that side,” he said, pointing to the other end of the wall. “We knew it was another raid when we heard that, but we did not know that it was the raid of all raids,” he said.

On June 28, 1969, the LGBTQ community took a stand by fighting back against police who routinely raided the Greenwich Village bar. Now the community celebrates by holding events all throughout the month of June. One of those events includes an exhibit from the New-York Historical Society on LGBT nightlife before and after Stonewall.

“We’re just so honored to be able to come this year and see where it all started,” said one visitor.

Before the riots, homosexuality was mostly forced underground. The movement has come a long way, although there is still more work to be done. That’s why Stonewall continues to provide a forum for activism and remains a landmark in the gay liberation movement.

The rally and the party outside of Stonewall will kick off at 6 PM tonight (Friday the 28th) and is expected to be packed with thousands of people.