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DC Attorney General Karl Racine sued the team on the grounds that they misled the public on the status of the investigation.

On Thursday, the Washington Commanders football team were served with a lawsuit by the Washington DC Attorney General, Karl Racine. According to Racine’s complaint, the team’s managerial staff, including its owner, Dan Snyder, have engaged in a systematic effort to obfuscate and distract from ongoing investigations of workplace toxicity and sexual assault within the team to continue profiting off DC residents.

“For years the team and its owner have caused very real and very serious harm and then lied about it to dodge accountability and to continue to rake in profits,” Racine said Thursday. “So far they seem to have gotten away with it, but that stops today.”

Racine’s lawsuit claims that the investigation uncovered evidence of Snyder’s involvement in the allegations, yet Snyder himself has gone on record stating that he had no knowledge of them. “In fact, the evidence shows Snyder was not only aware of the toxic culture within his organization, he encouraged it and he participated in it,” Racine said. “Mr. Snyder exerted a high level of personal control over everything the Commanders did and his misconduct gave others permission to treat women in the same demeaning manner.”

In response, Commanders counsel John Brownlee and Stuart Nash released a joint statement. “Over two years ago, Dan and Tanya Snyder acknowledged that an unacceptable workplace culture had existed within their organization for several years and they have apologized many times for allowing that to happen,” they said. “We agree with AG Racine on one thing: the public needs to know the truth. Although the lawsuit repeats a lot of innuendo, half-truths and lies, we welcome this opportunity to defend the organization – for the first time – in a court of law and to establish, once and for all, what is fact and what is fiction.”