Credit: Terminix

Residents in the Southwest Valley have been waking up to dead pigeons around their complex.

Residents are alarmed by the sight, and some are worried about the safety of their children and their pets. They say they have been trying all day to get in touch with their HOA to figure out what type of poison was used on the pigeons. But one of those neighbors said he was not taking any chances and posted signs all over the property, warning them about at least one type of those poisons, Avitrol.

Despite sweltering heat, Dustin Corbridge hasn’t left the courtyard of the Esplanade Condo since before sunrise.

“I came out here to do my best in making sure no more pigeons landed in the area,” said Corbridge.

Pictures show the area peppered with dead pigeons. Corbridge said it all began on Monday.

“Actually it started last night at 5 PM. Birds started falling out of the sky. They were all on the sidewalk and on the ground. Some of them were shaking to death,” said Corbridge.

One of the videos shows a pigeon convulsing while Corbridge tried to comfort it before its inevitable death. No one knows what killed that pigeon for sure, but he believes it was poisoned with Avitrol.

“It’s cheaper to poison, than it is to do humanely things to take care of pigeon populations,” said Cobridge.

“Avitrol in and out of itself is poisoned corn. It affects the nervous system. It’s like a psychotropic. It sends a signal of fear as the one pigeon that has ingested this poisoned corn sends a signal of fear to this flock or group, and it just freaks all of them out,” said Trent English of Truly Nolen Pest Control.

English says Avitrol is tightly regulated by the Nevada Department of Agriculture and must be well-monitored because it can poison other birds and animals.

A spokesperson for the management company for Esplanade condos said within the last month, they received numerous complaints about pigeons and contacted a licensed pest control company for a remedy.

They sent the following statement:

“We understand that remedy used is a common and approved method to address pigeon problems by most local pest control firms. The most common result is that pigeons will move on from the treated area, thus mitigating the residents’ concerns… We are actively gathering as much information about this incident as possible. We are committed to ensuring the safety of our residents and their families.”