Credit: USA Today

There are some major shifts happening this week with regards to the impeachment inquiries of President Trump.

In just a few days, The House of Representatives will vote to determine whether or not to impeach the president. But one big hurdle that makes Trump’s potential impeachment unlikely is the fact that the Senate, which has a Republican majority, will cast the ultimate vote.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer is encouraging Senate republicans to be as fair as possible when they cast their votes.

CBS 4 reports Schumer as saying to the Senate, “Trials have witnesses. That’s what trials are all about.”

Trump tweeted, “The Impeachment Hoax is the greatest con job in the history of American politics! The Fake News Media and their partner, the Democrat Party, are working overtime to make life for the United Republican Party, and all it stands for, as difficult as possible!”

Republicans are figuring out the best plan of action to move forward in the trial.

Sen. Ted Cruz said that if the president wants to allow witnesses such as Hunter Biden to the trial stand, he should be able to.

But not all democrats say they will follow party lines and vote for impeachment. New Jersey Democrat Jeff Van Drew says he plans to switch parties after the vote. Rep. Collin Peterson says he’ll remain as a democrat, but will probably vote “no” on impeachment.

Peterson told CBS KFGO Radio, “Now it’s turned into a complete partisan situation. What’s happening is people are criminalizing politics.”

The full House vote is expected tomorrow.