Stephen King is everywhere right now. From the big screen to the little screen to, of course, the written word, King fans have a myriad of ways to get their fix. And even more are on their way.

One of the most high-profile Stephen King projects coming to a theater near you is the second half of the adaptation of “IT.” The hugely successful first film made a second a foregone conclusion. So if you’re afraid of clowns, stay away from the multiplex in September 2019.

Another highly anticipated King film is “Doctor Sleep,” billed as a sequel to his classic “The Shining” (just don’t get him started on the Stanley Kubrick film – he’s not a fan). But don’t expect the Overlook Hotel to make an appearance. The sequel instead follows little Danny Torrance who (40-year-old spoiler alert) survived his dad’s ghost-and-alcohol-fueled attempt to kill him. Poor Danny has grown up to experience his own substance abuse problem… and an evil group of people who feed on those who have the special gift he calls the Shining.

But first, we’re getting a remake of the ’80s film and book “Pet Semetary.” It’s arguably King’s most disturbing story (how can you really rank that though?), so we’ll see if audiences really want to relive that.

Other films coming out are remakes of “The Tommyknockers” and “Firestarter,” which starred Drew Barrymore as a little girl. And those are just films. A number of TV adaptations are either in progress or scheduled to begin soon, including the meta-King series “Castle Rock,” which places new stories into King’s iconic fictional town of Castle Rock, Maine, the location of many of his stories.

So much horror and terror to look forward to!