In the State of the Union address on Tuesday, President Donald Trump announced that he will be meeting again with the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un to further discuss denuclearization on the Korean peninsula, among other issues.
The two leaders met previously in Singapore last June, which was considered a positive first step. Kim agreed to several demands made by Trump regarding North Korea’s nuclear program, and the U.S. agreed to remove sanctions as North Korea fulfilled its side of the bargain.
Economic sanctions imposed by the U.S. and its allies have crippled the economy of North Korea for decades. They weren’t enough to prevent the country from developing nuclear weapons, but it appears they may have been enough to convince them to walk back the program.
The official announcement of the new meeting was timed for the dramatic effect of being part of the State of the Union speech, but it was already known that negotiations for such a summit were on-going. The meeting is set for the end of the month and will take place in Vietnam.