Photo Credit: EIC Solutions

Don’t turn into a bubbly puddle on the pavement.

Now that summer is officially underway, those who live in hot or tropical regions need to be especially mindful of the excessive heat and the drastic effects it can have.

Even though the sun isn’t even out in full force yet, temperatures in South Florida have already reached 82 degrees this morning. That temperature is expected to rise to the triple digits later in the day, leaving lots of room for heat exhaustion and heat strokes.

The most important thing you can do to combat the high temperatures on the heat index is to stay hydrated. Drinking more water than usual can be the difference between life and death when the heat conditions are like this. Using sunscreen with SPF 15 or higher is another way you can be proactive when it comes to the braving a heatwave.

If you’re driving with children or pets, always check to make sure they aren’t left in your car. While this may seem obvious, it happens year after year, and it only takes a few minutes to succumb to the heat in an enclosed space like a vehicle. Whether or not the windows are cracked is irrelevant.

Keep in mind that children and the elderly are at a higher risk for heat-related illnesses.