Stormy Ray wants everyone to know the benefits of this humble plant (and have a little fun in the process).

The city of Ontario, Oregon is introducing something unlike what the area has ever seen before. The unveiling of the Eastern Oregon Cannabis Festival may sound like a party meant for raging, but the main theme of the festival is plant education.

Stormy Ray, the woman who spearheaded the festival, suffers from multiple sclerosis. She says cannabis has been something like a miracle plant for her and has significantly reduced the pain she experiences. Now, she wants to take a hands-on approach and educate the people in her city about its benefits.

The festival falls on 4/20 and will include products from vendors most people have never seen. The Eastern Oregon Cannabis Festival was able to be implemented after voters in Ontario decided to approve an ordinance that allows cannabis dispensaries in the area.

Last year, 4/20 lines in nearby Huntington were outside the door. But the majority of license plates weren’t from Oregon; they were based out of Idaho where marijuana is still illegal.

Officials from the City of Ontario said that while they’re not sure when or where local dispensaries will be implemented, it is likely to happen sometime around May 1. They say once this happens, there will be great potential to boost the local economy.