We’d all love to win the lottery someday, wouldn’t we? I know I would. Good gravy, all the random junk I would blow that money on.

But when certain people receive a sudden windfall of money, there’s a chance a certain… state of mind may arise. See, luck is kind of a tangible resource. When your moments of luck are rare and small, you’re a little more grounded; you appreciate the little boons you receive, but generally go on living your life as you were. But when everything suddenly goes your way all at once, well, logic and reason kind of go out the window. You’ve just received, I dunno, ten million dollars! The sky’s the limit! You’re completely invulnerable!

It’s that kind of mindset that leads to somewhat questionable decisions. For example, you could, I don’t know, charge into your boss’ office and immediately go into a tired about every little thing you hate about them and your workplace and then march out with your favorite finger raised. Of course, if you’ve received ten million dollars, then yeah, you can probably burn a couple of bridges for funsies. But if, say, your sudden windfall was falsely reported, well… take a look at the story of Mr. Penny Jones, and remember that luck often comes and goes. Usually the latter.

Plaz appears courtesy of @WeCre8Visuals
@TinoCochino appears courtesy of @TinoCochinoRadio