Lewis Prison conditions are most definitely not up to snuff.

Some community members are becoming increasingly concerned as they say doors that don’t lock inside Lewis Prison in Buckeye, Arizona are allowing prisoners to come and go as they please, which puts everybody in the facility at risk. A march held by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is scheduled for later today to oppose what’s happening within the prison.

The people organizing the event want Charles Ryan, the Arizona Director of the Department of Corrections, to be fired. Those who want to see this change will gather at Lewis Prison first, and then march to the governor’s office to demand the termination of prison director Ryan.

Last June, Ryan was held in contempt of the court for not doing enough to fix the prison medical system. According to ABC15, Governor Doug Ducey said he was supportive of Ryan when he was asked about the prison’s doors last week.

Former Governor January Brewer, who appointed Ryan as his successor, said he’s been dealing with a difficult population on a tight budget.

The ACLU disagrees with the reasons regarding the lack of change. Members say there are enough people, including legislators, on side of the ACLU to back this change. Later today, those who marched will deliver a Letter of Demand, which includes a plea for Director Ryan to be fired.

Governor Ducey says he is sending a special team into Lewis Prison to investigate all that’s going on.

This is not ACLU’s first rendezvous with lawsuits of this nature. The organization has been involved in a lawsuit for seven years representing inmates regarding healthcare in prisons.